Adaptability and stability of new spring triticale varieties and lines


  • V. K. Riabchun Plant Production Institute named after V.Ya. Yuriev of NAAS, Ukraine
  • V. S. Melnyk Інститут рослинництва імені В.Я. Юр’єва НААН, Ukraine
  • Yu. H. Illichov Ustymivka Experimental Station of Plant Production of NAAS, Ukraine
  • Yu. V. Kharchenko Ustymivka Experimental Station of Plant Production of NAAS, Ukraine
  • S. V. Chernobay Plant Production Institute named after V.Ya. Yuriev of NAAS, Ukraine
  • T. B. Kapustina Plant Production Institute named after V.Ya. Yuriev of NAAS, Ukraine
  • O. Ye. Shchechenko Plant Production Institute named after V.Ya. Yuriev of NAAS, Ukraine


Ключевые слова:

spring triticale, yield capacity, adaptability, stability, variety, line


Purpose and objectives. The purpose was to evaluate the adaptability and stability of spring triticale varieties and breeding lines for yield and expression of valuable economic characteristics in environmental trials and to identify the best genotypes with a set of valuable features.

Materials and methods. We studied 13 spring triticale genotypes (2020–2021) in two different agroclimatic environments (Eastern Forest-Steppe [PPI] and transitional zone from forest-steppe to steppe [UESPP]). The experimental plots of 2 m2 in three replications were arranged in series. The field assessments were performed in accordance with methods of qualification examination of plant varieties. The adaptability parameters were determined by AV Kilchevskiy and PV Khotylyova’s method.

Results and discussion. The yield stability and valuable economic characteristics were assessed and the best genotypes with a set of valuable features were identified. A high yield capacity (6.85–7.44 t/ha) and high plasticity (bi 1.34−1.82) were intrinsic to Darkkhliba Kharkivskyi, Svoboda Kharkivska, YATKH 23-19, YATKH 29-19, and YATKH 40-19, which indicates their ability to effectively fulfill their performance potentials under favorable conditions. Svoboda Kharkivska, Kripost Kharkiv, and Opora Kharkivska were found to be the most adaptable to environmental changes varieties. These varieties can be recommended for cultivation under different growing conditions throughout Ukraine to a wide range of producers.

Svoboda Kharkivska consistently gave a high yield on average across the experiment (6.24 t/ha), showed high levels of general and specific adaptability, and a high genotype’s breeding value. This variety is noteworthy for easy threshing and its plants are consistently of medium height (108 cm).

Kripost Kharkivska consistently gave a high yield (5.66 t/ha), showed relative stability and was of genotype’s breeding value. Its plants were consistently short under different conditions (84−93 cm); the 1000-grain weight was increased (40.2 g); and the score of resistance to septoria tritici blotch was 7 points; the “seedlings-earing” period was extended (60 days).

Opora Kharkivska gave a stable yield of 5.84 t/ha) and stood out for its general and specific adaptability and genotype’s breeding value. Its plants were of medium height (108 cm); its “seedlings-earing” period was shorter (56 days).

Darkhlib Kharkivskyi showed high plasticity and general adaptability. At UESPP, it produced a high (compared to other varieties) yield (6.75 t/ha) and demonstrated increased resistance to septoria tritici blotch.As to the lines, the highest breeding value in terms of yield and adaptability was found for YATKH 40-19, YATKH 23-19, and YATKH 29-19.

YATKH 40-19 gave a high yield on average across the experiment (5.88 t/ha). It was highly plastic. Under the favorable conditions (UESPP, 2020), it stood out for the highest yield of 7.44 t/ha. It also demonstrated increased resistance to septoria tritici blotch (7.5 points).YATKH 23-19 and YATKH 29-19 were highly plastic. Under the favorable conditions, they gave high yields (7.04 and 7.09 t/ha, respectively). YATKH 23-19 also showed high levels of general adaptability and genotype’s breeding value. It produced over 5 t/ha regardless of growing conditions.

Conclusions. As a result of the environmental trials, the most valuable genotypes in terms of adaptability, yield and valuable economic characteristics were identified.

High yield capacity (6.85–7.44 t/ha) and high plasticity (bi 1.34–1.82) were noted for varieties Darkkhliba Kharkivskyi and Svoboda Kharkivska and for lines YATKH 19-19, YATKH 29-19, and YATKH 40-19.Svoboda Kharkivska, Kripost Kharkivska, and Opora Kharkivska were found to be the most adaptable to environmental changes varieties. That is, the yields harvested from these varieties fluctuated to a lesser extent under the influence of environmental conditions. At the same time, they optimally combine a high yield capacity and stability, as evidenced by their high genotype’s breeding values. They produced over 5 t/ha even under the unfavorable growing conditions. These varieties can be recommended for growing under different conditions throughout Ukraine to many producers. As to the lines, the highest breeding value was observed for YATKH 23-19 and YATKH 40-19. The selected accessions are also valuable material in breeding for yield capacity and adaptability.

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