Major aspects of interregional transfer of breeding/seed innovations with export potential
DOI:Ключевые слова:
breeding/plant innovations with export potential, transfer, seed industry, grain production, interregional market relationsАннотация
Purpose. To study and rationalize the main aspects of interregional transfer of breeding/plant innovations with export potential, of synergistic interaction between science, education and commodity production for more rapid innovative development of the country's regions.
Material and methods. The study methods were dialectical, abstract-logical, monographic, computational/constructional, economic-statistical, graphic modeling and others. The study was based on the Laws of Ukraine, regulations and guidelines on market relations in the agrarian sector and seed production; statistical data and reports of basic farms of the institute.
Results and discussion. For timely transfer of more adapted varieties, hybrids and parental components to production, we analyzed the numbers of accessions bred at the PPI nd.a. V.Ya. Yuriev NAAS in the State Register of Plant Varieties Suitable for Dissemination in Ukraine in 2021. As a result, we found that in 2021 the number of the major crop accessions bred at the Institute decreased by 15 compared to 2017, while during these years most breeding innovations were in demand from grain producers.
That is, there is no urgent need to create as many new varieties as possible, and the implementation of breeding innovations into production is gradual, with due account for producers’ wishes and the market changes. In particular, the most competitive winter wheat varieties were Rozkishna, Shulyndinka, Harmonika, Zapashna, Doskonala, and Zdobna; variety Stoir and hybrids Saturn and Yupiter were the most competitive rye accessions; Ad 256, Amos, Nikanor and Buket were the most competitive winter triticale varieties.
Analysis of the average sales of winter crop seeds of first generations in 2017–2021 indicated their gradual overproduction, as only 60–85% of these seeds were sold.
Regarding the production and sales of spring cereals, legumes and groats crops, we learnt that pea, millet and spring barley varieties were in the greatest demand from users of grain products (the sale percentage was 74%, 69%, and 60%, respectively). The most competitive pea varieties were Oplot and Haiduk; Modern, Avhur, and Ahrarii were the most competitive spring barley varieties; Spadshchyna and Uliublena were the most competitive spring wheat varieties; Konstantynivske, Vitrylo, and Kozatske were the most competitive millet varieties.
Conclusions. Thus, the results of the study for the period of 2017–2021 proved the feasibility of timely transfer of breeding/plant innovations with export potential (varieties, hybrids and parental components), which is important for scientific justification of seed production volumes for each generation and is a reference point for creating more profitable varieties and hybrids.
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Copyright (c) 2022 D. K. Yehorov, N. Yu. Yehorova, O. V. Ulianchenko, M. V. Kapustian, I. O. Kravchenko, I. V. Tokar, H. P. Sarapin, M. D. Bordun
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