Storage Capacity of Different Stem Parts and its Role for Grain Productivity of Short-Term Drought-Exposed Winter Wheat Genotypes Contrasting in Drought Tolerance


  • V. V. Morgun Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • О. О. Stasik Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • D. A. Kiriziy Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • M. V. Tarasiuk Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine


Ключевые слова:

Triticum aestivum L., stem storage capacity, internodes, water-soluble carbohydrates, drought, photosynthesis, grain productivity


Abstract: Remobilization of the water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC) deposited in the stem is important for winter wheat grain productivity, especially under water deficit during the reproductive period. Our aim was to study the accumulation and remobilization of reserve WSC in different segments of the stem and their relationship with grain yield parameters in winter wheat genotypes exposed to 8-day drought at the early stages of grain formation. The experiments were carried out on winter bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plants grown in pots. Cultivars ‘Podolianka’ (drought-tolerant), ‘Podilska Nyva’ (high-yielding, less tolerant), ‘Natalka’ (less tolerant, high protein content in grain), and breeding line ‘UK 065’ (high-yielding, drought-sensitive) were studied. The specific content of WSC in dry matter and the total amount (product of specific content and dry weight) were determined in stem parts of the main shoot (counted from the top): peduncle, second, third, combined fourth and fifth (lower) internodes and combined leaf sheaths.

It was found that drought slightly reduced the maximum total amount of WSC deposited in the stem and significantly accelerated their remobilization. The studied genotypes of winter wheat differed significantly in the WSC accumulation in the stem: by 1.3 times under optimal conditions and by 1.5 times under drought, but the efficiency of WSC remobilization was similar and high (84–96%) in all of them, regardless of growing conditions. Cv. ‘Podolianka’ showed the highest storage capacity of the stem both under optimal watering and under drought. The contribution of deposited WSC to grain weight was 32 and 28.3% in cv. ‘Podolianka’, 21.3 and 24.6% in cv. ‘Podilska Niva’, 27.4 and 24.3% in cv. ‘Natalka’, and 18.2 and 22.4% in line 'UK065' under optimal and drought conditions, respectively.

The highest specific content and total amount of WSC were recorded in the second and third internodes. The portions of these internodes in the total amount of stem-deposited WSC  were the largest in all studied genotypes. The content and total amount of reserve carbohydrates in the second and third internodes were correlated most closely with grain productivity, which gives reason to consider them the most representative parameters for assessing the storage capacity of the whole stem and to recommend them as a physiological marker of winter wheat genotypes’ performance.

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