Regulation of training activities as a key of health protection of pupils and students
training overloads, morbidity of pupils and students, underachievement, infringement, regulated trainingAbstract
In Ukraine is registered the highest prevalence of diseases among school children that has the direct connection with training loads. The dangerous pathogenic character of training overloads takes place also among student youth. So, the urgent problem of educational system is a release of training process of overloads.
The review of the realized studies testifies to the exceptional urgency of the problem of training programs and textbooks volumes regulation. Especially, the studies of V. Bespalska state the abnormal 5-20 times overload of schoolbooks on mathematics that is incompatible with the system of teaching principles.
The aim of research is the determination of first-turn conditions of regulation of schoolchildren’s and students’ activity, directed on the educational process sanitation s.
The following tasks were set for this aim realization: to analyze the influence of training overloads on health of children and student youth; to elucidate the influence of training overloads on school education quality; to ground the possibility to eliminate training overloads at the state level; to determine first-turn arrangements as to the training process sanitation.
Object of research – results of training overloads, method of research – the analysis of facts on studied questions, presented in medical and psychological-scientific literature.
The result of training overloads is a wide spectrum and high level of morbidity among schoolchildren and students and also great losses of education quality. The alternative of such training is the decrease of training programs volume, realized in Singapore school education. The regulation of training loads must be recognized as the one of most important legal criteria of training programs and textbooks quality. Teachers’ activity must be assessed by this criterion too
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