Modeling of interpersonal interaction in the system of postgraduate education


  • Olena Kosyhina Zhytomyr Regional Institute of Postgraduate Teacher Education Mykhaylivska str., 15, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 10014, Ukraine



модель, моделювання. інтерперсональна взаємодія, система післядипломної освіти, слухач, діада


In the article were grounded the features of interpersonal interaction modeling in the system of postgraduate education based on the definition of the notions “interpersonal interaction”, “modeling”, “social interaction”. The specificity of pedagogical thinking was explained; the succession of stages of pedagogical processes and phenomena model elaboration was presented. There was formulated the conclusion that interpersonal interaction in the system of higher and postgraduate education is mainly an interaction in the dyad “student ↔teacher” that is the organization of these students’ common activity for attaining the common aim. The modeling of interpersonal interaction in the system of postgraduate education is presented on the base of the analysis of different classifications of interpersonal interaction in pedagogical and psychological science. There were analyzed the types of interpersonal communication in the system of postgraduate education – dyad (that appear at direct communication), individual-group (realized in interaction with students’ group), group (as an interaction between students’ and teachers’ collective), one- or two-side (as dialog/monolog type of interaction). There was grounded the content of internal and external models of interpersonal communication of educational process subjects in institutes (centers) of postgraduate education

Keywords: model, modeling, interpersonal interaction, postgraduate education system, student, dyad

Author Biography

Olena Kosyhina, Zhytomyr Regional Institute of Postgraduate Teacher Education Mykhaylivska str., 15, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 10014

PhD, Associate Professor, Head of Department

Department of Pedagogics and Andragogy


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How to Cite

Kosyhina, O. (2017). Modeling of interpersonal interaction in the system of postgraduate education. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (5 (13), 32–36.



Pedagogical Education