Coordination of the process of development of professional competence of teachers of biology of agricultural schools in the conditions of the regional methodical associations based on the technology "DDI" (disclosure, development, and implementation)


  • Olena Kharchenko Department of education and science Poltava state administration Kotliarevskoho str., 45, Poltava, Ukraine, 36000, Ukraine



teacher, biology, coordination, disclosure, development, implementation, competence, technology, innovation environment


The article substantiates one of the scientific pedagogical conditions of professional competence of teachers of biology rural school district in terms of teaching unions – the coordination of development of professional competence of teachers of biology rural school district in terms of methodological associations based on technology "DDI" (disclosure, development, and implementation).

Technology "DDI" (disclosure, development, and implementation) is a gradient for the development of professional competence of teachers of biology of rural schools in the conditions of district methodological associations, which depends on the fulfillment of three conditions: the disclosure of the personal potential of the teacher of biology, its development and implementation for the successful organization of educational process in the school of the countryside , as well as for the good of society and ourselves.

The components of the personal potential of the teacher of biology of rural schools are determined: value, intellectual, spiritual-moral, aesthetic, emotional, communicative, creative potential.

The components of the innovative environment of the district methodical association of teachers are determined: the subject-resource component; material and technical component; ideological and technological component

Author Biography

Olena Kharchenko, Department of education and science Poltava state administration Kotliarevskoho str., 45, Poltava, Ukraine, 36000



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How to Cite

Kharchenko, O. (2017). Coordination of the process of development of professional competence of teachers of biology of agricultural schools in the conditions of the regional methodical associations based on the technology "DDI" (disclosure, development, and implementation). ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (10 (18), 17–22.



Pedagogical Education