Subject characteristic of scenic-image culture of future teachers of music art in the vocal training process


  • Natalia Kosinskaya Institute of Arts of Borys Hrinchenko University of Kyiv I. Shamo blvd., 18/2, Kyiv, Ukraine, 02152 College of Kyiv Boris Grinchenko University Haharina ave., 16, Kyiv, Ukraine, 02094, Ukraine



subject characteristic, culture, vocal training, future teacher of music art


The topicality of the problem of formation of scenic-image culture in future teachers of music art is determined by modern requirements to the professional training of future teachers-musicians that orient them on professional mastership, spiritual growth, formation of creative qualities by modern means of music education.

The specializations “voice training” and “vocal” gain the special popularity among students of art faculties; these specialties form the vocal preparation of future teachers of music art. The base of the successful vocal activity of a future teacher of music art is scenic-image culture, determined by a high-artistic representation of a music composition, elucidation of an artistic image, executor’s aesthetic taste, scenic behavior, translation of aesthetic values to an audience.

The article elucidates the subject characteristic of scenic-image culture of future teachers of music art in the vocal training process. There is analyzed the state of the studied problem in the pedagogical theory, determined the aim and tasks, elucidated the essence and varieties of the “culture” phenomenon.

Subject characteristics of scenic-image culture, determined in the article, widen the methodological apparatus of the research in the process of professional training of future teachers of music art and may be a base for renewing the content of academic courses of higher art educational institutions

Author Biography

Natalia Kosinskaya, Institute of Arts of Borys Hrinchenko University of Kyiv I. Shamo blvd., 18/2, Kyiv, Ukraine, 02152 College of Kyiv Boris Grinchenko University Haharina ave., 16, Kyiv, Ukraine, 02094

Postgraduate student

Department of Theory and Techniques of Musical Art



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How to Cite

Kosinskaya, N. (2017). Subject characteristic of scenic-image culture of future teachers of music art in the vocal training process. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (10 (18), 4–8.



Pedagogical Education