Instructional design of future vocational teachers training in the context of competence approach (foreign experience)




pedagogical design, informational and educational environment, professional competence, motivation, interactive learning


Specialists training at the University should be aimed at the constant growth of the quality of future teacher vocational and pedagogical training, to create the necessary conditions for successful pedagogical activities. It is the informational and educational environment that can contribute to the effective solution of this problem, implementing the basic principles of modern education: continuity, openness, accessibility.

The competence of future vocational teachers is formed, first of all, in the process of vocational training and specialization in a certain field of knowledge, as well as in the family, cultural and educational activities and in the information and educational environment, which is now seen as one of the sources of activation of modern educational process.

In our opinion, applying to the motivational sphere of a person, taking into account person’s motives and needs together with the instructional design of the lesson, in which the teacher is engaged and innovative means of his/her work, are decisive factors in the student's attitude towards discipline, and therefore in the efficiency of their activities.

We believe that teachers, focused on the use of opportunities for the information and education environment and interactive learning in their activities, is the basis for the formation of students, future teachers, motivation for active participation in the educational process.

In general, interactivity should be the goal of any educational process, the feedback between the teacher and the student, which is necessary for the learning process to evolve and improve. Therefore, at the present stage of the development of pedagogical theory, "interactive learning" is generally regarded as an organization of joint activities, which acquire such forms and methods: presentations, discussions, "brainstorming", "round table", "business games", heuristic conversation, contests of practical work with their defense and discussion, role games, training sessions, collective and group creative tasks, individual and pair exercises, simulation of a particular type of activity or situations, writing conceptual maps, review and discussion of video recording, participation in webinars, etc.

The use of interactive technology in the educational process contributes to the formation of an active "learning environment", which is precisely the main purpose of pedagogical design, considered as a field of science and practice, based on the theoretical positions of pedagogy, psychology and engaged in the development of educational material, based on information technology, providing the most effective educational process.

One of the models that will contribute to the pedagogical design function is the motivational model of J. Keller, which can be used in the work of design teachers. This approach, with only a little attention to technology, tells us that it is necessary to analyze the need and goals first, and then, based on these data, to pick up methods of knowledge “delivery”

Author Biography

Elena Yaremenko-Gasiuk, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University Pyrohova str., 9, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

PhD, Associate professor

Department of Foreign Languages


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How to Cite

Yaremenko-Gasiuk, E. (2017). Instructional design of future vocational teachers training in the context of competence approach (foreign experience). ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (10 (18), 42–48.



Pedagogical Education