Formation of communicative competence of students of technical higher education in the process of foreign language teaching


  • Tetiana Kartel Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture Didrikhsona str., 4, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029, Ukraine
  • Hanna Syvokin Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture Didrikhsona str., 4, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029, Ukraine



foreign language study, communicative competence, professional formation, professional orientation, foreign language communication, person-oriented approach


A graduate of the higher technical school, who has received a high level of communicative competence and the ability of a foreign language fluent speaking, uses it in his professional life actively, has the best opportunities for a job and a lot of advantage to communicate with foreign partners.

Success in mastering a foreign language teaching in higher technical educational etablishments depends not only on personal characteristics, characteristics of a higher nervous activity and the students’ nature, but also it depends on their level of motivation and the development of special - foreign abilities. Accordingly, some students learn language better, the rest – a language system. The productive nature is more comprehensible for the first group of students, i.e. the active mastering of a foreign language, and the second group is more successful in passive mastering of a language (listening and reading, perception and understanding of another's speech). On the one hand, it indicates the existence of intuitive - perceptual and rational - boolean types of mastering a foreign language, and on the other hand- the communicative and non-communicative (linguistic). Physiological basis of this distinction is the lability of nervous processes (in the first case), and inertia of the nervous system( in the second case). The difference between these two types is particularly evident when using intensive methods of teaching a foreign language.

It was demonstrated that it is necessary for teachers to know a foreign language as a system (vocabulary and grammar) and not be able to communicate in a foreign language, teachers should consider when teaching students with support for the principles of individual personality-oriented approaches to learning a foreign language in technical institutions

Author Biographies

Tetiana Kartel, Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture Didrikhsona str., 4, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of foreign languages

Hanna Syvokin, Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture Didrikhsona str., 4, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of foreign languages


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How to Cite

Kartel, T., & Syvokin, H. (2017). Formation of communicative competence of students of technical higher education in the process of foreign language teaching. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (11 (19), 13–17.



Pedagogical Education