Updating content of mathematical education in the new Ukrainian school


  • Tetiana Shulik State Higher Educational Institution «Donbass State Teacher’s Training University» Henerala Batiuka str., 19, Slavyansk, Donetsk Region, Ukraine, 84116, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8527-127X




New Ukrainian School, Reform of the Education System, Secondary Education, Competence, Competency Approach, Mathematical Education, Educational Process, Recommendations, Teacher, Student


The problem of updating the content of mathematical education in the New Ukrainian school is a part of the problem of updating the education of Ukraine as a whole. Over the past five years, the draft conceptual framework for reforming secondary education has been the subject of discussion among various target audiences, in particular teachers, parents, school principals, representatives of district departments of education and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The concept has been refined many times in the light of existing proposals and remarks, but today the entire educational community is working towards introducing these conceptual foundations into the educational process of middle school, and therefore mathematical education must also meet the new requirements that are sufficiently thoroughly and exhaustively covered in project.

The purpose of the article is to reveal the main features of the conceptual foundations of the reform of secondary education «The New Ukrainian School», the realization of which is scheduled for 2016 – 2029, as well as to give recommendations on the adaptation of modern mathematical education to the requirements of the New Ukrainian school, based on its key components.

A set of research methods: general scientific (analysis of scientific, educational and methodical literature, materials of periodicals, normative documentation; synthesis and synthesis of the content of the project «New Ukrainian School»); historical (chronological, retrospective) methods are used to achieve the goal in the process of work.

The results of the study are formulated in the form of recommendations for teachers of mathematics, the introduction of which will be appropriate at the first stage the conceptual framework of implementation (2016 – 2018) of reforming secondary education. In particular, the systematic work of teachers of mathematics on self-education, the development of programs of elective courses, the use of interactive teaching methods, the technological approach to mathematical education, the introduction of a competent approach in the educational process

Author Biography

Tetiana Shulik, State Higher Educational Institution «Donbass State Teacher’s Training University» Henerala Batiuka str., 19, Slavyansk, Donetsk Region, Ukraine, 84116


Department of Mathematics and Informatics


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How to Cite

Shulik, T. (2017). Updating content of mathematical education in the new Ukrainian school. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (11 (19), 17–21. https://doi.org/10.15587/2519-4984.2017.116474



Pedagogical Education