Development of psychological culture of students in the process of psychological training of future specialists




psychological culture, personal development, professionally important features and properties, psychological training


The article is devoted to the study of components of the structure and personal determination of students’ psychological culture for elaborating psychological tendencies of formation and development of general and special professionally important components of the professional and personal development of future specialists.

The essential disadvantage of specialists’ training in HEIs is the managerial professional-psychological non-coordination of views and actions among staff and inconsistency to the key problem – students’ personal development in the aspect of tactic skills that essentially lowers the level and quality of psychological training.

 At the empiric research there were analyzed components of psychological culture of students’ personality in the subsystem of constitutional features, which scales choice is based on neurophysiologic theories, and in the psychosemantic substructure of a space of personal features.

Psychological culture is defined in the research as a culture of beliefs, feelings, ideas towards oneself and others and consists of gnoseological, procedural-active, subjective-personal components, the subjective-personal component of future specialists’ psychological culture is considered more detail.

For accelerating the students’ psychological culture development it is necessary to use active learning methods and special technologies (socio-psychological trainings) that favor the growth of the personal potential and professional effectiveness of future specialists in the education system

Author Biography

Galina Коt, Kyiv national university of culture and arts Yevhena Konovaltsia str., 36, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

PhD, Associate professor

Department of TV journalism and actor's skill


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How to Cite

Коt G. (2017). Development of psychological culture of students in the process of psychological training of future specialists. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (11 (19), 21–25.



Pedagogical Education