Content-procedural aspects of experimental study of teenagers’ creativity development dynamics at integrated music lessons


  • Svetlana Tereshchenko Melitopol specialized school І–ІІІ steps No. 25 Hetmanska str., 93, Melitopol, Ukraine, 72312 Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University Hrushevskoho str., 19, Melitopol, Ukraine, 72313, Ukraine



creativity, creative competence, expert parameters, manifestations, integrated music lessons


The study, devoted to the problem of creativity development of teen-age pupils in the process of the integrated music study, presents the substantiation of the fact that the solution of this problem by art is urgent for today. The paper analyzes the scientific literature about questions of the research, describes theoretical-methodological bases of the study of the creativity phenomenon, reveals the state of the problem of the creative development of a person of a teen-age pupil by art means, considers this problem by forming a creative competence, presented as a pedagogical connotation of the psychological phenomenon of teenagers’ creativity at integrated music lessons. The author of the paper gives his own definition of the notions “creativity” and “creative competence” of a teenager, determines expert parameters and criteria of the creative competence (associative-creative thinking, creative imagination, artistic power of observations, art-self-presentation), used at pupils’ diagnostication, manifestations and levels of the studied phenomenon formation. The author analyzes peculiarities of the content and process of the experimental work on studying the effectiveness of introducing the organization-methodical model of teenagers’ creativity development at integrated music lessons that includes the stages of teenagers’ creativity development (motivation-content, informative-cognitive, creative-praxiological, summary-resulting) and components of the pedagogical support of integrated music lessons that includes complied regularities and principles of art study, determined conditions, art methods and ways of teenagers’ creativity development, separated non-standard forms of integrated music lessons, modernized didactic means and pedagogical technologies of teenagers’ creativity development at integrated music lessons, into the educational process of secondary educational institutions. The paper describes the course of the consulting and summarizing stages of the experiment, analyzes their effectiveness. The author makes a conclusion about the fact that the effectiveness of creativity development in the structure of a personality of a pupil-teenager is conditioned by improving the content, forms and methods of the base education of school-children, directed on formation of highest human needs in creative self-representation. Creativity as a personal phenomenon is an important ability of teenagers to creative self-representation in the art-creative activity

Author Biography

Svetlana Tereshchenko, Melitopol specialized school І–ІІІ steps No. 25 Hetmanska str., 93, Melitopol, Ukraine, 72312 Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University Hrushevskoho str., 19, Melitopol, Ukraine, 72313

Teacher of art

Postgraduate student

Department theory and methodology of music education and choreography


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How to Cite

Tereshchenko, S. (2017). Content-procedural aspects of experimental study of teenagers’ creativity development dynamics at integrated music lessons. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (12 (20), 8–12.



Pedagogical Education