Theoretical analysis of conceptual apparatus of post-graduate education of ecological specialists




post-graduate education, qualification improvement, self-education, probation, continuous ecological education, re-training


At the research there was realized the theoretical analysis of the notion “post-graduate education” in normative-legal and scientific-methodological sources. Interpretations of post-graduate education in law-making documents in the historical retrospective don’t essentially change, but great attention is paid to reforming and modernization of this system. There are separated structural elements of continuous ecological education by different approaches and ecological completeness of each subsystem was characterized. The system and subsystems of post-graduate education of ecological specialists were characterized. The detail analysis favors theoretical-methodological and scientific-practical studies of problems of professional training of ecological specialists including monitoring questions.

At the study there was proved the importance of self-education as the ability to self-improvement during the whole life for solving difficult ecological problems, faced by mankind. As a result of the theoretical analysis, there was determined a necessity to create educational programs within the system of post-graduate education, based on the competence approach for different categories of the managerial, controlling, production and pedagogical staff of the ecological direction

Author Biography

Natalia Bordiug, Zhytomyr National Agroecological University Staryi blvd., 7, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 10008

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Environmental Safety and Natural Resources Management


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How to Cite

Bordiug, N. (2017). Theoretical analysis of conceptual apparatus of post-graduate education of ecological specialists. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (12 (20), 43–47.



Pedagogical Education