The role of the teacher in the process of forming the communicative competence of the junior pupils based on the structural approach to personality




communicative competence, communicative skills of school teacher, junior schoolchildren, personality structure


The communicative competence of the junior pupils involves the formation of a number of components, including social and perceptual components, a communicative component, and an interactive component. The interaction of these factors contributes to the implementation of personality abilities in the process of communication. In the process of forming the communicative competence of junior pupils the decisive role belongs to the teacher of elementary school. To succeed in this important task, the teacher must possess a number of skills: gnostic skills, design skills, constructive skills, communicative skills, and organizational skills. The effectiveness of the process of forming the communicative competence of junior pupils depends to a large extent on understanding the essence of the personality. In this regard the effective concept of the development of personality is the concept, developed by K.K. Platonov. This concept consists of four substructures: the orientations and relationships of personality, experience of personality, individual characteristics of mental processes of personality and biopsychic properties of personality.

In each of the substructures there are important features for the development of the communicative competence. The substructure of orientation and personal relationships comprises desire, interests, inclinations, aspirations, ideals, beliefs, and a worldview. The substructure of experience includes knowledge, skills and habits. The substructure of individual peculiarities of mental processes includes emotions, sensations, thinking, perception, feelings, and will. In the substructure of biopsychic properties there are sexual and age properties of the personality, and typological properties of the person (temperament). For each of the substructures, certain means of developing communicative competence are defined: for the substructure of orientation and personality relationships the role play is used; for the substructure of experience the exercises are used; for the substructure of the individual peculiarities of mental processes the tasks are used; and for the substructure of biopsychic properties, the corresponding modes of work for pupils with different typological features are used

Author Biography

Vasyl Zhukovskyy, National University «Ostroh Academy» Seminarska str., 2, Ostroh, Ukraine, 35800

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor

Department of English language and literature 


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How to Cite

Zhukovskyy, V. (2017). The role of the teacher in the process of forming the communicative competence of the junior pupils based on the structural approach to personality. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (12 (20), 48–54.



Pedagogical Education