Technology for formation of artistic culture of future artists-designers in the process of professional training


  • Anton Semenyuk Private higher education institution «Odessa College of Computer Technologies «Server» Polskyi descent, 1, Odessa, Ukraine, 65026, Ukraine



culture, designers, technology, component, training, program, conditions, principles, methodology, structure


The article actualizes the problem of the improvement of professional training of future artists-constructors, accenting attention on formation of artistic culture of future designers. At the analysis of the scientific literature there was determined the essence and structure of artistic culture of future artists-constructors. Artistic culture of future artists-constructors it is a complicated personal construction that includes the totality of artistic abilities in the art sphere, conscious feelings, motives of artistic activity, readiness to realization of the creative potential through the harmonic transformation of reality and internal world for productive realization of studying and professional functions. There was characterized the methodology of formation of artistic culture of future artists-constructors, grounded on the competence approach, directed on realization of potential possibilities of future specialists, having combined the work for the development of structural components of artistic culture of future designers. This methodology is based on interactive studying technologies, pedagogical conditions, principles of formation artistic culture of future artists-constructors. The methodology of formation is realized through the program of training activities on formation of artistic culture of future artists-constructors. The article contains the structure of activities on formation of the studied phenomenon

Author Biography

Anton Semenyuk, Private higher education institution «Odessa College of Computer Technologies «Server» Polskyi descent, 1, Odessa, Ukraine, 65026



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How to Cite

Semenyuk, A. (2018). Technology for formation of artistic culture of future artists-designers in the process of professional training. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (1 (21), 13–16.



Pedagogical Education