Essence argumentation of the teacher professional development of higher school: theoretical aspects




development, professional development, teacher of higher education, professionally important qualities of a specialist


The article is devoted to the analysis of the content and essence of the phenomenon «teacher professional development of higher education», the study of which is currently relevant in the context of the search for new socially significant benchmarks in the system of higher education and new requirements for the competitiveness of future teachers. The authors state that scholars turned to various aspects of this problem, in particular, in terms of psychological peculiarities of personality development, the construction of a future teacher professional qualites, as well as self-development and self-realization of a teacher in the process of carrying out professional activities in higher education.

As a result of the analysis carried out by the authors, it became clear that the phenomenon of professional development can be considered as one of the foundations of pedagogical activity of a teacher of a higher educational establishment; in the writings of academic scientists, this phenomenon is represented as a process of formation a subject of professional activity and involves quantitative and qualitative changes in the psychological characteristics of the individual, as a result of various actions in the process of professional activity. A lot of studies, the professional development is considered in close connection with personal and professional development, which involves self-realization, an incentive to creativity, the need to design their own professional level at different stages of the life's path

Author Biographies

Halyna Sotska, Pedagogical Education Institute and Adult Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences M. Berlinskoho str., 9, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04060

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Researcher

Vadim Lisoviy, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University Kotsiubynskoho str., 2, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 58012

PhD, Associate Professor, Head of Department

Department of Music


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How to Cite

Sotska, H., & Lisoviy, V. (2018). Essence argumentation of the teacher professional development of higher school: theoretical aspects. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (1 (21), 22–26.



Pedagogical Education