Self-education as a component of the system of post-graduate education of ecological specialists




postgraduate education, self-education, qualification improvement, course work, monitoring of environment, competences


During the study there was analyzed the notion “self-education” as a component of the development model of professional competences of ecological specialists in the system of post-graduate education. Self-education is considered as a separate structure beyond the system of education and as a part of professional life. There were characterized structural-functional stages of self-education organization in the formation of specialists’ professional competences: diagnostic, educational-organizational, practical-research, resulting-generalizing, summarizing-controlling. Main principles and forms of self-educational activity were separated. The structure and content of a course work on elaborating the environment monitoring system for the “Little motherland” as a form of self-education in the inter-course period at the qualification improvement that includes cameral, methodological, experimental, resulting-recommending stages of its preparation was elaborated. The course work realization as a form of self-education in the system of post-graduate education forms specialists’ ability to independence, self-determination, self-realization, self-management, self-development. At the same time the acquired professional experience becomes a source of education of his/her colleagues

Author Biography

Natalia Bordiug, Zhytomyr National Agroecological University Staryi blvd., 7, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 10008

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Environmental Safety and Natural Resources Management


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How to Cite

Bordiug, N. (2018). Self-education as a component of the system of post-graduate education of ecological specialists. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (2 (22), 34–37.



Pedagogical Education