Development of model of cooperation of general and out-of-school educational institutions in the aesthetic education of teenagers


  • Larisa Sierykh Sumy Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education Rymskogo-Korsakova str., 5, Sumy, Ukraine, 40035, Ukraine



aesthetic education, interaction, interaction of adolescents, interaction model, mesolevel, microlevel


One of the most important tasks of education is to prepare a child for successful self-realization in life. The modern pupils today are focused on getting a certain amount of knowledge, so school is in need of a fundamental reform.

A teacher is the foreground personality in the development of the model of interaction of secondary and out-of-school education in the aesthetic education of teenagers. In our understanding, the basis for the development of the methodical provision of interaction of secondary and out-of-school education in the aesthetic education of adolescents depends on the ability of a teacher to transform the inclinations and abilities of the pupils.

A teacher understands, assumes and uses the age and psychological characteristics of teenagers. Every teacher knows the classification of basic personality traits and can influence their formation.

Organization of interaction of secondary and out-of-schools education in the aesthetic education of teenagers is based on the results of the analysis of their practical and aesthetic activities and takes into account the components of aesthetic education: emotional, informational, communicative.

In the interaction of secondary and out-of-school education in the aesthetic education of teenagers the methodological basis is the integration of knowledge in the field of aesthetics, pedagogy, ethics, psychology, theories of aesthetic education

Author Biography

Larisa Sierykh, Sumy Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education Rymskogo-Korsakova str., 5, Sumy, Ukraine, 40035

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of the theory and methodology of the content of education


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How to Cite

Sierykh, L. (2018). Development of model of cooperation of general and out-of-school educational institutions in the aesthetic education of teenagers. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (3 (23), 41–44.



Pedagogical Education