Universal human values’ notion development in modern educational field





universal values, morality, value education, value approach, humanitarian education, axiology


It is obvious that society is experiencing a lack of spiritual values such as mercy, sympathy, compassion, support and cooperation. In our opinion, problems in the field of morality exacerbated out of the loss of people’s understanding the meaning of their existence, life orientations on the background of underestimated (by itself) society and the state of value, education science, culture in the development (in general) and development of personality, rapid growth of social life’s commercialization. In the modern society, in connection with the change of ideological orientations and traditional foundations of education a certain vacuum occurred. And that requires reassessment and reconsideration of values, value attitudes in relation to the individual and family. It should be noted that the crisis state in the field of morality is not only an indicator of the serious problems presence, but at the same time rising of new opportunities. The category of value applies to the world of man and society. Outside a person and without a person, the concept of value cannot exist. Thus, value appears to be a primary category in relation to goals. It is on the values, value orientations of the individual that the nomination of certain goals depends on. The article explores the essential characteristics and content of human values from the modern pedagogical science’s point of view. The essence of the axiological "I" is determined. Topical definitions of universal values are considered. The analysis of axiological, sociological and axiopedagogical approaches to the content and essence of universal values is carried out.

This article defines an analysis of universal values, substantiates the opinions of the scientists in relation to approach and systematization of this phenomenon in modern science, identifies the theoretical and methodological principles of pedagogical and psychological research of the formation about universal human values, defines the main directions of an axiologically structured personality formation, emphasizes on the forming universal values of students in the system of a traditional university

Author Biography

Olena Andreieva, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University Tsentralnyi ave., 59-a, Severodonetsk, Ukraine, 93400

Postgraduate Student

Department of Pedagogy


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How to Cite

Andreieva, O. (2018). Universal human values’ notion development in modern educational field. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (7 (27), 4–8. https://doi.org/10.15587/2519-4984.2018.149259



Pedagogical Education