Anthropological turn in pedagogy: a theoretical-methodological research for the general value of human activities


  • Inna Dyachenko Communal Higher Educational Institution «Zhytomyr Medical Institute» Zhytomyr Regional Council Velyka Berdychivska str., 46/15, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 10002, Ukraine



anthropological turn, man, life, living, homo vivens, goal, filomenological, potential


The author of this idea argues that a person has a natural nature, which makes his/her life-supporting potential, which defines a person as a force that generates purposeful actions. An activity that is recognized as an innate potential was inherent in it. The goal is to ensure the greatest possible disclosure of opportunities for cooperation and the creation of conditions for its manifestation. Human is a living being, internally active, self-moving towards the goal: to be alive, to be active. Human must survive to reach his/her limit. The fuller the cognitive potential of a person, the more focused its use will be, the better the life of the person will be. Life exists for the sake of which a human exists. In order for him/her to live, he/she must realize his/her vital potential in its entirety. Value is a form of manifestation of the goal. What goals, such will be the values. The goal is life, the common value is formed in accordance with the goal, there will also be one - the desire / love for life (filomenological). The measure of awareness of the purpose of its existence and human activity, as well as the level of development of common values determines the nature of attitudes towards everything that he / she chooses, how he/she acts and the result of his/her activities. You must say that it was a love of life in general. Human has yet to learn to live among the living. Pedagogy receives a “foothold”, an invariant that allows it to respond adequately to the anthropological turn, according to which a person lives on the ruins of the old culture, and the new evolution cannot create, optimize the processes of modernization of education, upbringing of modern man and preservation of human society

Author Biography

Inna Dyachenko, Communal Higher Educational Institution «Zhytomyr Medical Institute» Zhytomyr Regional Council Velyka Berdychivska str., 46/15, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 10002

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Natural and Social Sciences and Humanities


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How to Cite

Dyachenko, I. (2019). Anthropological turn in pedagogy: a theoretical-methodological research for the general value of human activities. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (1 (28), 29–37.



Pedagogical Education