Business game as a method of increasing the effectiveness of forming a foreign language communicative competence of students




business game, structural elements, communicative competence, foreign language communication, speech activity


The article analyzes the main structural elements of the business game for the formation of students' foreign communication skills. The importance of understanding the basic structural elements of the business game for its effective use in the process of learning a foreign language has been proved. For the effective organization of business games in the educational process, the main structural elements are identified. In particular, in the structure of the business game we distinguish: the purpose and objectives of the game; game situation; set of roles; rules of the game. The specificity of the approach to the organization of educational and cognitive activities of students with the use of business games should ensure the development and improvement of their skills to analyze and investigate professional situations and to choose ways of their solution, to form values and ideals of the individual, to provide their own concept of life and to improve the methods of its practical implementation.

In the process of studying a foreign language, the method of a business game has the aim to teach communication in the solution of professional problems, and its tasks are mastering a set of skills and abilities sufficient and necessary for future speech activity, as well as mastering the linguistic material that ensures the formation and development of a foreign language communicative competence. Game activity is considered as a process of solving a number of professional tasks by students aimed at achieving the overall goal of teaching, educating and developing the student's personality.

It is proved that the main goal of studying a foreign language at the university is to form the foreign language communicative competence of students, which implies the use of language as a means of communication in the field of future professional activities. The process of the business game is aimed on the realization of this purpose.

The solution of the speech tasks creates conditions for the student's communicative practice during the game. Communicative practice involves the development of skills clearly, logically formulate their thoughts, namely: be able to do generalizations on the basis of examples, conduct an analogy, evaluate priorities, find reasons, have a conversation, dialogue, discussion, that is, be able to listen and express the thoughts clearly

Author Biography

Liudmyla Volkova, University of State Fiscal Service of Ukraine Universytetska str., 31, Irpin, Kyiv region, Ukraine, 08201

PhD, Associate Professor

Department for Modern European Languages


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How to Cite

Volkova, L. (2019). Business game as a method of increasing the effectiveness of forming a foreign language communicative competence of students. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (1 (28), 43–48.



Pedagogical Education