Actual problems of the pedagogical mastership development of the musical art teacher under conditions of postgraduate pedagogical education
pedagogical mastership, teachers of musical art, postgraduate pedagogical education, forms of educationAbstract
The article is devoted to highlighting the current state of the development of pedagogical mastership of musical art teachers in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education. The modern experience of the development of pedagogical mastership in formal education is considered. The experience of using thematic, author's courses for teachers on the basis of special courses, master-classes, creative workshops, in-depth training, thematic training is described. The description of innovative forms of teacher training in the course period is given. The experience of the organization of non-formal education on the image problem is considered. the The most common forms of training teachers in non-formal education as scientific and pedagogical conferences, workshops, trainings, master-classes, round tables, problem-oriented theoretical and practical seminars, methodical meetings, schools of pedagogical skills, participation of teachers in creative groups associations are described.
The experience of organizing professional self-development of musical art teachers in the conditions of informal education, which are based on the basis of modern networked, electronic forms of self-study of teachers, is described. The necessity of preparing individual programs of development of pedagogical skills for the effective training of teachers has been determined. The results of the research in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education, which demonstrate priorities in the types and forms of education among teachers of musical art are described. The ways of introducing new forms of teaching on the development of pedagogical mastership of musical art teachers in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education are defined. Among the prospects for the development of pedagogical skills of teachers in postgraduate education, the substantive content of distant, network, e-learning of teachers, selection of effective learning technologies, formation of a bank of innovative forms and methods, the need to prepare scientific and methodological support for training musical art teachers in postgraduate pedagogical education are determined
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