Criteria and formation levels of professional competences of specialists of the nature protection branch in ecological monitoring




ecological monitoring, postgraduate education, criteria, levels, professional competences, professional development


During the study there were elaborated criteria and estimation levels of the multi-step system of training specialists of the nature protection branch for ecological monitoring: for future specialists and professionals by the formation level of professional competences in ecological monitoring; for specialists of the nature protection branch by the level of readiness to the professional activity. There was constructed a criteria-level scale for estimating future competences formation of future specialists that includes motivational, theoretical-methodological and analytical-practical criteria. The estimation is realized by reproductive, sufficient and high levels. For future professionals in ecological monitoring, the criteria-level scale for estimating professional competence formation includes motivation-value, activity-practical, scientific-research criteria and interpreting, constructive, research levels. For the professional development of specialists of the nature protection branch in the system of postgraduate education, a criteria-level scale was developed for estimating the level of readiness to the professional activity, including the following criteria: motivational-axiological for estimating formation motives of the professional nature protective activity; competence for estimating professionalism; professional attitude for estimating a personal attitude to the professional activity, especially independence in making decisions, in using different approaches to solving complicated ecological situations, in elaborating and planning projects for improving the environment quality. Corresponding to peculiarities of the professional development, there were determined readiness levels, namely basic, integrative-projective, creative. There were elaborated and substantiated criteria, parameters and levels that provide the estimation of the multi-level training system of specialists of the nature protection branch for ecological monitoring through the formation of professional competences and readiness to the professional activity

Author Biography

Natalia Bordiug, Zhytomyr National Agroecological University Staryi blvd., 7, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 10008

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Environmental Safety and Natural Resources Management


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How to Cite

Bordiug, N. (2019). Criteria and formation levels of professional competences of specialists of the nature protection branch in ecological monitoring. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (4 (31), 4–7.



Pedagogical Education