Systematization of adult education centres as providers of non-formal learning in Ukraine




adult education center, providers of non-formal learning, educational services


The process of adult learning in non-formal education is an organized activity of andragogues and adults who study, according to informal educational programs, in conditions of free choice, for achievement of personal and professional educational goals, determined by adults. This process is provided by providers of non-formal educational services, including a variety of companies, organizations, institutions or individuals that provide these services to the target audience of the adult population. Adult education centers in Ukraine today are such providers that are developing rapidly.

The article is devoted to generalization and systematization of adult education centers as providers of non-formal adult education in Ukraine. Various forms and types of adult education centers operating in Ukraine are analyzed. Priority signs are defined. Adult education centers are systematized as providers of non-formal adult education in accordance with certain characteristics. The leading functions of their activity are generalized.

Based on the experience of the data center in Ukraine, the main features for systematization are determined: the level of independence; form of ownership; organizational and legal form; channels of informing the target audience about the content of activities and events; the level and direction of educational services; coverage of the target audience of the adult population. According to these features, the article presents the results of the systematization of data centers in Ukraine.

The main functions of the activities of the adult education centers are: adults provide public space for learning and social and cultural integration; provide a forum of current educational needs, focused on the priority educational needs of adults; provide complex educational services for different categories of adults, creating the educational platform of interaction between andragogues and participants and a supportive learning environment

Author Biography

Olena Samodumska, Сlassic Private University Zhukovskoho str., 70-b, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, 69002

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Education and Management of an Educational Institution


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How to Cite

Samodumska, O. (2019). Systematization of adult education centres as providers of non-formal learning in Ukraine. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (4 (31), 36–40.



Pedagogical Education