The experimental testing of efficiency of teaching chinese phonetics for future philologists




experiment, students, planning and course of the experiment, experimental group, Chinese phonetics.


The processes of globalization and the world community, as well as the role and place of Ukraine and the People's Republic of China on the geopolitical map of the world dictate the need for strong scientific, political, economic, cultural, energy contacts that will lead to the progress of both countries, to the creation and development of new technologies, new economic and humanitarian relations. This requires the training of a large number of skilled Chinese language specialists and experts.

The phonetics of the Chinese language is extremely important for the learning of the language as a whole, because the Chinese language has a special typological characteristic - the presence of a tone that performs distinctive-perceptual and distinctive-significative functions. Mastering Chinese, and in particular lexical units (as key in communication), can only be conditioned by the ability to distinguish and correctly reproduce a tone. However, the study of phonetics is not limited to articulation skills, but involves the students mastering rhythmic-intonational models, which also have semantic nuances and are important in terms of the implementation of speech pragmatics.

The study describes the experimental verification of the effectiveness of teaching methods of future philologists of Chinese phonetics, as well as substantiates and confirms the choice of the study hypothesis. The criteria and norms for evaluating the Chinese linguistic phonetic competence of future synologists are outlined. Methods and materials, plan and structure, and duration of the experiment are determined. In addition, examples of tasks and the ultimate goal of their implementation were given.

Organizational and content aspects of students' experimental learning are covered. Post-experimental sections were performed, the corresponding results of the effectiveness of the created methodology of teaching phonetics of Chinese language were presented. For clearer perception, the results of the sections were made in the table

Author Biography

Tetiana Pereloma, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Volodymyrska str., 60, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01033


Department of Far East and Southeast Asia Languages and Literature in The Institute of Philology


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How to Cite

Pereloma, T. (2019). The experimental testing of efficiency of teaching chinese phonetics for future philologists. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (5 (32), 10–16.



Pedagogical Education