Assessment of the disposition of the future Ph.D to research and innovation activity: criteria, indicators, levels


  • Viktoriia Meniailo Zaporizhzhia National Universite Zhukovskoho str., 66, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, 69600, Ukraine



doctors of philosophy, disposition for research and innovation activity, postgraduate, criterion-level approach


The relevance of the research is the need to enhance the research and innovation training effectiveness of future PhD students, who are able to compete in the international scientific environment. A mechanism for assessing the disposition of future doctors of philosophy to research and innovation is presented in this article, using a criterion-level approach. The disposition is represented by a set of motivational and goal-oriented, personally-creative, content-active and reflective-perspective components. The motivational, creative, cognitive, activity and reflexive disposition criteria are defined. These criteria are measured through the system of proposed indicators. Low (adaptation), medium (search) and high (creative) levels of disposition for research and innovation activity are defined. The component characteristic of the levels of disposition is presented, which is a prerequisite for the construction of a conceptual model of research and innovation training of graduate students. It is proved, that the general level of disposition of future doctors of philosophy to research and innovation activity is determined mainly by its productivity. Low-level graduate students will have only those results of research and innovation activity that are stipulated by the formal requirements, i.e. abstracts at national and international conferences and articles in the state language in professional editions of Ukraine.The medium level is characterized by the fact that a graduate student: has publications in foreign editions; finds ways of their practical application, which is confirmed by existing patents; competes for additional funding, so prepares applications and participates in grants, scholarship awards. Finally, a high level of disposition describes a graduate student, who has publications in Scopus and Web of Science international science databases and / or real experience in attracting external funding to implement his/her own projects (grant, award, scholarship, contract, license sold). The criteria, indicators and levels, identified in the article, provide an opportunity to diagnose the disposition of future doctors of philosophy to research and innovation activity in the process of their preparation, as well as to identify those components of that disposition that are not formed enough

Author Biography

Viktoriia Meniailo, Zaporizhzhia National Universite Zhukovskoho str., 66, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, 69600

PhD, Assistant Professor

Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Educational Activities


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How to Cite

Meniailo, V. (2019). Assessment of the disposition of the future Ph.D to research and innovation activity: criteria, indicators, levels. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (6 (33), 29–33.



Pedagogical Education