Practical aspects of using the model of the competitiveness development management system


  • Alla Litkevych Central Institute of Postgraduate Education State Institution of Higher Education "University of Education Management" of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine Sichovykh Striltsiv str., 52-a, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053 Bucha Education Complex “Specialized School of I-III levels” No. 4 Energerykiv str., 2, Bucha, Ukraine, 08292, Ukraine



management of competitive development of GSEI, factor-criterion submodel, object of management, management criteria


The practical aspect of using the model of management system of development of competitiveness of a general secondary education institution is considered in the article. The prospects of using pedagogical qualimetry as a structural element of managing the competitiveness of an institution of general secondary education are analyzed, the main directions of the use of pedagogical qualimetry and ensuring its competitiveness in the internal and external markets of education, research of the state and tendencies of development of the educational process through the factor submodel are analyzed. The stages of the pedagogical experiment are analyzed. The explanation for the researcher at the ascertaining, forming and control stages of the experiment is given.

Management objects are identified: educational process; marketing; financial and economic activities; innovativeness of management system and educational technologies; organizational and corporate culture; strategic and managerial component; logistical and technological support of the educational process; staff competitiveness, which need to be directed by management actions in order to ensure a high level of competitiveness of a general secondary education institution. It is noted, that certain management units in their totality are a certain integrated quality of competitiveness of a general secondary education institution.

Criteria for the controls of objects are developed. In determining the weight of these criteria, the method of expert determination of the weights is applied. In order to calculate the coefficient of competitiveness of a General Secondary Education Institution, a survey was conducted among experts and a weighted average of each expert group was rounded to one.

The characteristics of four levels (high, sufficient, middle and low) of competitiveness of an institution of general secondary education are formed on the basis of the factor-criterion model, as well as by means of combination of quantitative and descriptive approaches

Author Biography

Alla Litkevych, Central Institute of Postgraduate Education State Institution of Higher Education "University of Education Management" of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine Sichovykh Striltsiv str., 52-a, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053 Bucha Education Complex “Specialized School of I-III levels” No. 4 Energerykiv str., 2, Bucha, Ukraine, 08292

Postgraduate Student

Department of Management Education and Law



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How to Cite

Litkevych, A. (2020). Practical aspects of using the model of the competitiveness development management system. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (1 (34), 54–60.



Pedagogical Education