Competence approach as methodological guidelines in the formation of the discourse competence of future journalists




discourse, communication, competence, competence approach, discourse competence, future journalists, linguistics


The article deals with the relevance and importance of introducing a competency approach in the process of forming the discourse competence of future journalists. Attention is drawn to the fact that the rapid development of the information society requires highly skilled competitive specialists in the media sphere, who would not only have the maximum amount of necessary knowledge, but also the ability to use them promptly and creatively. The essence of the concepts that make up the definition of "discourse competence" is considered. It is noted, that discourse is a process, related to language creation, and text is the end result of the language activity. When comparing the terms "competence" and "readiness", it is proved, that they are closely related, although significantly different. In general, readiness can be defined as the ability to act on the basis of competences (qualitative characteristics). It is noted, that the preparation of future journalists is currently giving a significant advantage to the theoretical study of the material and the lack of practical skills that would contribute to the formation of discourse competence of the future journalist, which, in turn, is a determining component of communicative competence. Its main components are the ability to perceive and analyze, as well as qualitatively formulate sound conclusions using linguistic means. The proper mastership of the state language by future journalists in the professional communication forms a conscious linguistic behavior, which is the basis for spiritual and intellectual development of the individual. The urgent need to train high level professionals with developed practical skills of the professional communication and today ineffective practice of teaching the Ukrainian language in the professional direction of future journalists in higher education institutions necessitate in-depth elaboration of appropriate methodological foundations. And it is important, that the most competent approach is the main guideline in the process

Author Biography

Roman Zhyvolup, Institute of Philology Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University Bulvarno-Kudriavska, 18/2, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053

Postgraduate student

Department of Ukrainian


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How to Cite

Zhyvolup, R. (2020). Competence approach as methodological guidelines in the formation of the discourse competence of future journalists. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (2 (35), 54–58.



Pedagogical Education