Anti-discrimination educational program against labor migration: case of rural school
labor migration, rural school, non-discriminatory educational environment, lifelong learningAbstract
The article outlines the reasons for the labor migration of the rural able-bodied population to the urban zone and its consequences, both personally for people and for the village and the community. The link between migration and schooling is analyzed. Creating a non-discriminatory school environment has been studied as one of the ways of preventing migration. The role of the modern educator, who is a continuous learner, in particular in the process of creating a non-discriminatory space of the educational establishment as an equal-opportunity space, is determined by the example of the Ohijivka Educational Complex. The activity of the Anti-discrimination Center of the Ohijivka Educational Complex has been studied to determine specific directions and ways of providing information and methodological and practical support for conducting an anti-discrimination examination of school textbooks, gender analysis of lessons, replacing the visual space by the gender-sensitive one, conducting lessons without transitions, teaching and transacting gender audit of an educational institution.
The article describes how participating in the pilot-level work at the regional level "Scientific and methodological foundations of implementing gender approaches in the system of educational institutions work for in 2014-2018" contributed to the disclosure of the creative potential of participants, the development of their critical thinking, reflective abilities and readiness for new ideas. After all, both teachers and students have learned from their positive experience that lifelong learning enhances the competitiveness of both individuals and the educational institution as a whole, and shapes democratic values. It was shown, that the next step of the institution's effective activity was creating an environmental project "Collect Separate Garbage – Make a Happy Life," which spread to the entire community. Thus, due to the inspiration and trend-oriented work of the school staff, the local population’s consciousness that understands that it is much more comfortable to live in an anti-discriminatory and ecologically friendly environment has been changing. The indicators of the number of the able-bodied rural population in recent years are also analyzed
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