Methodological development of educator’s information and communication mobility as adaptive ability of educational and developing e-environment self-organization
information and communication mobility, educational e-environment, adaptive ability, design of educational environment, andragogical educationAbstract
The phenomenon of globalization and the active use of the capabilities of information and communication technologies affect the social atmosphere and the economic situation in society. The aim of the study is to determine the adaptability of a teacher to modern challenges in the context of improving the human potential, the innovativeness of the educational environment and the process of work.
The actualization of the self-development value of a person is caused by the emergence of new forms of learning, advanced training and ways of modern communication. There is a public need for educators with a high level of information and communication mobility, able to provide a quality learning process in an educational setting.
The article describes the approaches to the organization of teacher development in the educational environment with the use of information and communication technologies. Methodical approaches to the development of teacher mobility as an adaptive capacity are indicated. Information and communication mobility is defined as the adaptive capacity of educational and development e-environment self-organization, its structure and levels. The methodology of teacher’s information and communication mobility development, tasks that are realized in the educational e-environment of postgraduate education are characterized.
To carry out the experimental work the author's program of development of the teacher's adaptive ability was developed, which envisages preparatory, activity, creative stages of realization.
The educational and methodological support for the implementation of the author's methodology for the development of the teacher's ICM provides the developed electronic educational and development environment.
The educational e-environment envisages increased opportunities for the individual’s activity, development of new ways of interaction with the environment, represented by life events, focus on ensuring access of adults to the flow of knowledge, focus on instrumental equipment and expanding their own educational space as a component of continuous education.
The integrated use of theoretical and empirical methods (testing, conversation, observation, interviewing, self-assessment, self-evaluation) allowed us to find out the initial level of information and communication mobility of a teacher, to determine the impact of the educational environment of postgraduate education and the development of teacher’s adaptive ability.
The research allowed to determine the features of educational environment design: continuity, multilevel, developmental character of learning, openness, in which such educational values of lifelong adult education, such as self-organization, self-development, self-education, self-control, are actualized.
Prospects for the study of the problem are associated with the development of conditions for the development of information and communication mobility in the electronic environment of inclusive education
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