The experimental testing of blended learning methods of oral Japanese lanuage teaching aimed at future philologists
blended learning models, implementation of the experiment, Japanese oral language evaluation criteriaAbstract
The study describes the characteristics of the experimental introduction of the methods of blended Japanese oral language teaching for future philologists, as well as the adequacy of the experimental method, aimed at testing the hypothesis of the study. It dwells upon the peculiarities of methodical experiment organization, which was aimed at finding out how effective can be four basic models of blended learning which were selected for teaching oral Japanese: “Face-to-Face Driver”, which was used to teach students of the first year of study, “Activities Rotation Model” for second-year students, “Working Space Rotation Model” which targeted third-year future philologists, and “Flipped Classroom Model” used among the students of the fourth year of the Bachelor's educational level. The experiment also included the use of three auxiliary models: “Flex Model”, aimed at working with the students, who study according to an individual schedule or are forced to catch up with certain material, “Online Lab Model”, aimed at organizing distance learning because of certain prerequisites and needs of the course, and “Self-Blend Model”, aimed at organizing independent study time for students, who are already independent users and are working on some additional courses. The experiment lasted for two years and was conducted at all the years (from first to fourth) of the Bachelor’s educational level. The article highlights the organizational and semantic aspects of experimental teaching using experimental verification capabilities in the research practice of developing oral Japanese skills among future philologists. The article also mentions the two variants of the author's methods, which differ according to the presence or absence of elements of microlearning (microsearch) during in-person training, and the second one was chosen as more preferrable. The results of the experiment proved that both of these variants turned out to be successful, although the presence of microsearch did not affect the level of competence in listening skill, monologue and dialogic speech
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