Criteria, indicators and levels of the readiness of teachers of natural specialties to develop the entrepreneurship competence of high school students
postgraduate pedagogical education, readiness, criteria, indicators, levels of readiness, entrepreneurial competenceAbstract
The article determines the relevance of forming the readiness of teachers of natural specialties to develop entrepreneurial competence in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education, which ensures the improvement of education and vocational training of teachers by deepening, expanding and updating their professional knowledge, abilities and skills in accordance with current needs and education. Theoretical views of scientists to the definition of key concepts: "entrepreneurial competence", "readiness", "criteria", "indicators", "levels of readiness" are analyzed.
By combining problem-oriented, system-generalizing methods and method of system-structural analysis of scientific literature, the author has achieved the goal and the criteria for determining the readiness of teachers of natural specialties for the development of the entrepreneurial competence of high school students, formed in the system of postgraduate pedagogical, technological, educational, personality-emotional, behavioral ones. Within the selected criteria, appropriate indicators are defined, which characterize them and the methods and means of diagnosis are defined for each criterion: conversation, observation, questioning, analysis, report, self-report, expert evaluation and introspection. The developed system of criteria and indicators makes it possible to determine the levels of readiness of teachers of natural specialties for the development of the entrepreneurial competence of high school students: low (reproductive), medium (reproductive-reconstructive), sufficient (reconstructive) and high (creative).
The analyzed criteria, indicators and levels will allow to determine the realities and to predict the dynamics of forming the readiness of teachers of natural specialties to develop the entrepreneurial competence of high school students in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education.References
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