Basic principles of praxeological competence formation in future masters of dentistry




medical education, practical training of dentistry masters, principles of praxeological competence formation


The problem of definition of key principles of forming the praxeological competence of a future specialist in the system of higher medical, especially dentistry, education, is considered, based on the analysis of the international experience, especially one of countries-participants of the Bolognese process that the Ukrainian system of higher education continues to integrate in, and contributions of native scientists-teachers. It is underlined, that modernization of the educational process at globalization and migration of the planet population needs constant renewal and optimization of its theoretical grounds, based on the competence approach for providing specialists’ employment. An important place in this process belongs to the definition of basic functioning principles of all development elements of the education system, especially practical training. Attention is paid on the importance of observance of both legally accepted development principles of the education system, students’ civic rights and ones, providing its innovativeness and social demands.

The retrospective analysis of the development of “praxeology” science and views of modern scientists on introduction of the praxeological approach and its importance for increasing the quality of practical training of graduates of higher medical educational institutions has been conducted.

 It is determined, that one of main components of the effective practical training of future dentistry masters at higher medical educational institutions is praxeological competence formation that provides further high-quality professional activity in the sphere of not only manual skills, but also determination of optimal organizational forms, methods, selection of materials in the professional activity of a physician-dentist.

Based on the analysis of scientific sources and own studies, there have been concretized main principles of praxeological competence formation in dentistry masters, namely: successiveness, transparency, demonstrability, scientism, rationality, creativity, efficiency

Author Biographies

Yaroslava Kulbashna, Bogomolets National Medical University T. Shevchenko blvd., 13, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, PhD, Professor

Department of Surgical Dentistry and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Iryna Skrypnyk, Bogomolets National Medical University T. Shevchenko blvd., 13, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Orthodontics and Propedeutics of Prosthetic Dentistry


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How to Cite

Kulbashna, Y., & Skrypnyk, I. (2020). Basic principles of praxeological competence formation in future masters of dentistry. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (5 (38), 23–27.



Pedagogical Education