The model of praxeological competence formation in future masters of dentistry




dental education, professional competence, model, praxeological competence formation


The article elucidates the significance of future dentists’ practical training. It has been established, that the great attention of available foreign scientific sources is paid to the issue of improving the dental educational content based on the competence approach; nevertheless, modeling of educational process’ components has not been considered so far.

The importance of modeling, as a method of educational process’ studying components, has been determined. The authors’ model of praxeological competence formation of future master of dentistry is presented. It consists of the basic components, which are determined as interconnected blocks: the target one declares the goal and defines the tasks necessary for its achievement; theoretical-methodological block reveals the praxeological competence structure (motivation, gnostic, activity, deontic, scientific-research, reflexive components), basic approaches (competence, system, personal, activity, synergetic, context), principles (subsequence, transparency, evidence-based, scientificity, rationality, creativity, effectiveness) and ways for achieving the aim based on the updated normative base of dental education (branch educational standard of the specialty “Dentistry”, EQC, EPP, elaborated on its base and with the use of necessary pedagogical conditions); the content-procedural block determines the ways of pedagogical conditions realization based on the updated content of dental education of interdisciplinary integration of basic and professional subjects, improvement of methodological instruments (classroom work, projects, self-study work, individual, distant forms; traditional, innovative, interactive methods; means of simulation, under clinic conditions, portfolio), resulting-reflexive block reflects and fixes the levels of future masters’ of dentistry praxeological competence formation according to its components and is based on correspondent criteria and indicators, gives a possibility to ascertain an obtained educational result according to defined levels (minimal and sufficient).

The model shows the researched process as an integral system that gives a possibility to correct the future masters’ of dentistry professional training according to the influence of internal and external factors on the educational process; to determine vectors of its evolution in the context of competence approach introduction into dental education

Author Biographies

Iryna Skrypnyk, Bogomolets National Medical University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Orthodontics and Propedeutics of Prosthetic Dentistry

Yaroslava Kulbashna, Bogomolets National Medical University

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, PhD, Professor

Department of Surgical Dentistry and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


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How to Cite

Skrypnyk, I., & Kulbashna, Y. (2021). The model of praxeological competence formation in future masters of dentistry. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (1(40), 25–30.



Pedagogical Education