Analysis of the role of parents and the community in value education and citizenship education




the role of parents and society, value education, civic education


This article aims to describe the extent to which parents and society participate in the value education of civic education. Using qualitative methods of holistic case study type, this research was conducted in two villages, which became the research locus, namely Tawali and Banta, Wera Subdistrict, Bima Regency, with the subjects, among others, parents and community leaders; Youth, as well; Religion. Collecting data using interview and documentation techniques. Triangulation techniques in this study are used to test the validity of any data and information that the researchers get about cases that are the focus of research by verifying data and information from the same source with different techniques. The researchers performed the data analysis using source triangulation techniques to obtain the same data from different sources. Data is then presented in a narrative in the form of arguments with specific premises about phenomena and facts, which are the focus of research to reach general conclusions, thus inductive. The results obtained reveal that the family and community environment is proven to be a variable that influences children's efforts to form and develop values, both those they get from their parents and those from the surrounding community.

Author Biographies

Rahmat Nurul Walidaini, Yogyakarta State University

Pancasila and Citizenship Education Postgraduate Program

Faculty of Social Sciences

Marzuki Marzuki, Yogyakarta State University


Pancasila and Citizenship Education Postgraduate Program

Faculty of Social Sciences


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How to Cite

Nurul Walidaini, R., & Marzuki, M. (2021). Analysis of the role of parents and the community in value education and citizenship education. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (3(42), 22–26.



Pedagogical Education