Chemical safety as a component of general and professional competences in training of future doctors




chemical safety, competence, training of future doctors, standards of medical training


The study analyzes the content of international (project "Harmonization of educational structures in Europe") and Ukrainian (industry standard of higher education field of knowledge 22 "Health Protection", specialty 222 "Medicine") legal documents of training future doctors in the context of modern ideas on chemical safety. The components of chemical safety are identified: understanding of the chemical factor as an integral danger to human health; knowledge of methods of labeling chemicals and products; compliance with the rules and safety measures for working with chemical products throughout the life cycle. The content of the main professional competencies of the second level of medical education of the project "Harmonization of educational structures in Europe", which are related to the application of chemical safety issues in the future professional activity of the future doctor: to consult with the patient; provide emergency medical care in emergencies; apply the principles, skills and knowledge of evidence-based medicine; promote health, to address public health issues and work effectively in the health care system, is revealed.

The general and professional competencies of the future doctor in the field of chemical safety, which are stated in the industry standard of higher education in the field of knowledge 22 "Health Protection ", specialty 222 "Medicine", are established: desire to preserve the environment; ability to carry out sanitary and hygienic and preventive measures; ability to conduct epidemiological and medical-statistical studies of public health; ability to assess the impact of the environment on the health of the population (individual, family, population); ability to implement resource efficiency activities

Author Biography

Alla Ishchenko, Bogomolets National Medical University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Bioorganic and Biological Chemistry


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How to Cite

Ishchenko, A. (2021). Chemical safety as a component of general and professional competences in training of future doctors. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (2(41), 31–36.



Pedagogical Education