Study of levels of readiness of future specialists of physical culture for health preservation of students




professional training, structural components, readiness level, health preservation, future specialists


It has been established, that the training of future physical culture specialists for health preservation of students in the context of the development of education in Ukraine is characterized by active innovative shifts, associated with the formation of the content of new higher education, in connection with which its purpose is expanding and changing. Health preservation and health-preserving technologies constitute one of the most promising educational systems.

It has been determined, that today the development of a comprehensive program of a higher educational institution is urgent, which would allow solving problems of creating conditions, conducive to preservation and strengthening of health; introduction of a methodology, principles and methods of health-preserving education, software and hardware tools for monitoring, shaping, developing and maintaining the health of participants in the educational process; control over the observance of legislative and regulatory legal acts, regulating the activities of an educational institution on the issues of health preservation.

 It is believed, that health-preserving activity of physical culture specialists is a set of actions, operations and procedures that functionally and technologically ensure the achievement of a result in maintaining and strengthening health. We understand health-preserving activity as a professional property, which expresses the degree of assimilation of social experience in the field of ensuring education and health of students by means of physical culture by a future specialist, as well as the ability to use this experience in professional activity. The most significant structural components of the readiness of future physical culture specialists for health preservation of students have been revealed, namely: motivational and creative components. The levels of the readiness of the subjects for the motivational, cognitive, activity, creative and organizational and educational aspects have been determined

Author Biography

Petr Dzhurinsky, Government agency “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky»

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Director

Educational and Scientific Institute of Physical Culture, Sports and Rehabilitation


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How to Cite

Dzhurinsky, P. (2021). Study of levels of readiness of future specialists of physical culture for health preservation of students. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (5 (44), 30–33.



Pedagogical Education