Methodological principles for improving the professional training of doctors in the process of studying biological and bioorganic chemistry in the aspect of chemical safety




professional training of doctors, biological and bioorganic chemistry, chemical safety


Chemical safety is a component of general and professional competencies of future doctors, namely: general culture (handling of chemical substances, household chemicals); promotion of a healthy lifestyle; prevention of diseases of the population; protection and preservation of public health; providing emergency medical care in emergencies (related to chemical accidents). The article substantiates the method of improving the professional training of future doctors by integrating modern aspects of chemical safety into biochemical training. The potential of the discipline "Biological and Bioorganic Chemistry" as a tool for the formation of competence in chemical safety of future physicians, due to a combination of theoretical training (training material on the mechanisms of inhibition of enzymatic reactions by toxicants; inhibitors and disintegrants of oxidative phosphorylation; molecular mechanisms of action of toxicants; formation and disposal of endogenous toxins; biotransformation of xenobiotics) and laboratory workshops (handling of chemical reagents; modern approaches to hazard labeling and labeling of chemicals; toxicants’ action modeling) is substantiated. The method of studying the educational material of the discipline "Biological and Bioorganic Chemistry" in the context of modern ideas on chemical safety is described. It provides a comprehensive application of modern teaching methods (design, solving situational problems, laboratory experiments, simulating the action of hazardous chemicals, testing) and teaching aids (glossary of terms on biochemical aspects of chemical safety; video lectures and methodical recommendations for independent work of students). The stages of the study method realization of the "Biological and bioorganic chemistry" discipline’s educational material in the context of modern ideas on chemical safety are described. These are the substances’ handling culture formation; formation of biochemical aspects of chemical safety; integration of modern ideas in the field of chemical safety and biochemical components

Author Biographies

Alla Ishchenko, Bogomolets National Medical University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Haiova Liudmyla, Bogomolets National Medical University

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Medical biochemistry and molecular biology

Oksana Horkunenko, Bogomolets National Medical University


Department of Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


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How to Cite

Ishchenko, A., Liudmyla, H., & Horkunenko, O. (2021). Methodological principles for improving the professional training of doctors in the process of studying biological and bioorganic chemistry in the aspect of chemical safety. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (5 (44), 34–40.



Pedagogical Education