Formative assessment as a means of forming the pupil's learning trajectory




formative assessment, individual educational trajectory, assessment planning, feedback


The article examines the types of assessment in the modern school. The importance of formative assessment for the formation and development of personality, to achieve the designed learning outcomes, their correction and selection of tasks for individual work by each pupil to improve results is analyzed. Models of teaching in a modern school are described, and those that promote the development of individuals with «growth intelligence», for which formative assessment is used, are identified. The authour determines the principles and functions of formative assessment, the methods of formative assessment and the list of most often used methods in practice by teachers. Particular attention is paid to the benefits of using digital tools for formative assessment and to the fact of their active use by teachers, especially in blended learning. The paper proposes to design the assessment process: designing assessment by a teacher in a course and in a topic with the creation of a visualized plan for pupils and designing assessment in class with pupils through joint setting of diagnostic goals, involving pupils in planning learning activities in accordance with principles of systematicity, planning, differentiation. The value of feedback for the formation of an individual educational trajectory is determined and the conditions of its effectiveness are given. The paper notes the importance of both formative and final assessment and their integrated use: formative assessment – to provide feedback and correction of learning, final – to record learning outcomes. Conclusions are made on improving the progress of pupils in learning when planning a course, topic and lesson, which includes assessment planning, with the active position of each, conscious participation in the creation of the educational process, adjusting their own trajectory

Author Biographies

Halyna Voitkiv, State Higher Educational Institution “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University”

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Teaching Methods

Igor Lishchynskyy, State Higher Educational Institution “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University”

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Teaching Methods


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How to Cite

Voitkiv, H., & Lishchynskyy, I. (2021). Formative assessment as a means of forming the pupil’s learning trajectory. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (6 (45), 8–12.



Pedagogical Education