Model of adaptive management of formation of digital competence basics of primary school students


  • Katerina Kotelevets State Institution of Higher Education «University of Education Management» of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine



adaptive management, digital competence of students, modeling in education, quality of primary education


The study is devoted to the issues of modeling the processes of adaptive management of the formation of digital competence of students in the process of obtaining primary education. The key aspects of the theoretical foundations of management of socio-pedagogical systems are revealed. Especially, the principles and approaches to management in general and adaptive in particular are described. It is described, that the essence of management of social and pedagogical systems consists in purposeful influences on the managed subsystem for its ordering. It is determined, that the main task of such management is to ensure the purposefulness, consistency of operation and development of the managed subsystem. The essence of adaptive management is specified, which, taking into account the main characteristics of classical management, is based on the processes of dialogic adaptation of managed and managing subsystems. The characteristics of the key definitions of the research are described, and the structure of the model of adaptive management of the process of formation of digital competence of students in the process of obtaining primary education is presented. The model consists of interconnected structural components, which together give an idea of the process of forming digital competence of students to ensure the success of their lives. The model was built on the basis of system and activity approaches using certain stages of the modeling process. The essence of four blocks of the model is described: target, theoretical, content-technological; and final-reflexive. It is noted, that the pedagogy of partnership is a key component of the formula of the New Ukrainian School and a component of the built model of adaptive management of the formation of digital competence of students in the process of obtaining primary education

Author Biography

Katerina Kotelevets, State Institution of Higher Education «University of Education Management» of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

Postgraduate Student

Department of Education and Law Management


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How to Cite

Kotelevets, K. (2021). Model of adaptive management of formation of digital competence basics of primary school students. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (6 (45), 24–28.



Pedagogical Education