Pedagogical modeling of the formation of organizational competence in future specialists in physical culture and sports of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
pedagogical modeling, model, organizational competence, future specialist in physical culture and sports, formationAbstract
A pedagogical model of the formation of organizational competence among future specialists in physical culture and sports of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the disclosure of the content of all its components: goals and tasks, organizational and pedagogical conditions, content, methods, forms of formation, criteria and indicators for diagnosing the results of formation is proposed. Approaches to understanding the concept of "pedagogical modeling" are defined. All components of the model are interdependent and only in symbiosis ensure the formation of organizational competence in future specialists in physical culture and sports of the AF of Ukraine.
The model consists of the following blocks: target-methodological, theoretical, subject-subject, methodical, control-corrective and result: the target-methodological block reflects the target and task of forming organizational competence among future specialists in physical culture and sports of the AF of Ukraine, taking into account their professional knowledge, skills and abilities, professional and ethical standards, values and experience in the chosen profession; the theoretical block – the structure of their organizational competence and contains important requirements for its formation; the subject-subject block ensures the interaction of at least two subjects - a teacher and a cadet, the methodological basis of which is the subject-activity approach to the formation of the organizational competence of the latter; the methodological block – its gradual formation among respondents, which is implemented in a certain sequence; the control and correction unit provides for the implementation of such functions as diagnostic, regulatory and predictive, which in turn provide an opportunity to evaluate and control the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge by the respondents; the result block includes the result of the formation of organizational competence in future officers - specialists in physical culture and sports and the clarification of the levels of its formation using the criteria and indicators we have determined
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