Visualization of distance learning


  • Lyudmila Kondratova State Institution of Higher Education "University of Education Management" of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine



distance learning, teaching staff, postgraduate education, visualization of distance learning, digital tools


The article is devoted to highlighting the current problems of creating visual support for distance learning of pedagogical workers in the conditions of postgraduate education. The current experience in training teachers to create a visualization of distance learning of teachers in postgraduate education is considered. Attention is paid to the modern problems of distance learning, the experience of organizing advanced training courses, implementation of thematic, author's courses for teachers of general secondary education institutions and vocational pre-higher education institutions is described. A description of the content of the training of teachers on the author's remote professional development courses is provided. A description of the preparation of a visual series for remote training of teachers in the postgraduate education system is given. Features of the use of modern digital tools and technology for creating electronic materials for the organization of distance learning are considered. A description of the use of video conferencing systems in distance learning is provided, examples of creating video materials for conducting distance classes are described. The experience of organizing distance classes is described and a description of the types of classes in distance learning is provided.

The list of problems of the pedagogical community in the process of organizing distance learning in crisis conditions is presented. The problems and needs of professional improvement of teachers, which can be solved during the period of professional development in the system of postgraduate education, are singled out.

The results of research in the post-graduate education system are described, which demonstrate the solution to the problems of distance learning visualization based on the author's professional development courses. The meaningful content of distance, network, electronic training of teachers, the selection of effective technologies for the preparation of visual support for conducting classes in a distance format are recognized

Author Biography

Lyudmila Kondratova, State Institution of Higher Education "University of Education Management" of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Integrated Systems and Information Technologies and Technologies


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How to Cite

Kondratova, L. (2023). Visualization of distance learning. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (1(52), 4–9.



Pedagogical Education