The use of communicative activities for developing speaking skills of students at english lessons




reproductive activities, responsive activities, debatable activities, conditionally communicative exercises, communicative activities, method of visualization


This article is devoted to the issue of the use of communicative activities for the development of speaking skills of students in the university. It was established, that the intensification of the educational process requires the search and use of new forms, methods and technologies of teaching and learning, means of supporting students' interest in the material and activation of their cognitive activity. Thus, one of the urgent problems of modern methods of teaching foreign languages ​​is the organization of the teaching process for students of different age groups with the help of a communicative approach. The article mentions various types and subtypes of conditionally communicative and fully communicative activities, which are most commonly used to teach students speaking foreign language. The article also defines the features and the means of using certain types of speech activities, in particular, reproductive exercises, which include: 1) retelling, 2) abbreviated and selective retelling, 3) retelling-translation, 4) dramatization, 5) creative retelling. As for responsive activities, they include: 1) question-and-answer exercises, 2) replica exercises, 3) free conversation. Among the productive activities, we highlight the following: situational activities that combine 1) solving problem situations, 2) imaginary situations, 3) role-playing. Descriptive activities include various types of descriptions. The article also talks about the advantages of discussion activities, mainly 1) educational discussion, 2) commenting, 3) situational discussions, as well as compositional activities and press conferences. The article states that during the performance of communicative activities, the work should be aimed at involving students into communicatively oriented activities regarding the observation of the phenomena being studied, at revealing the connections and relationships between the means of expressing information, at finding language units for expressing one's own opinion, etc. It was established, that it is also necessary to develop communicative exercises and activities based on real-life material or a model text, which are relevant for students of a certain age, which are interesting, close and understandable for students, which have educational and socio-cultural potential

Author Biography

Natalia Shevelova-Harkusha, Kherson State Maritime Academy

PhD, Associate Professor

English Language Department for Maritime Officers (Abridged Programme)


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How to Cite

Shevelova-Harkusha, N. (2023). The use of communicative activities for developing speaking skills of students at english lessons. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (2 (53), 20–25.



Pedagogical Education