Features of education of postgraduate physicians in extreme conditions





Dentistry, post-graduate education, simulation, online, offline training, thematic improvement, extraordinary conditions, competences


The professional training of the future doctor is based on the development of skills that could solve complex problems in the specialty "Dentistry" in professional activities. Acquiring knowledge in the process of learning, conducting research, introducing innovations into the initial process is characterized by the uncertainty of conditions and requirements. A student of dental education needs not only the mastery of high-quality modern knowledge, combined with manual skills, but also the development of the moral and volitional sphere, creative potential, the ability to take motivated actions and make adequate decisions.

The purpose of the research is to improve the aspects of postgraduate professional training of dentists in extreme conditions.

A term has been set for the improved analysis of the raised issue. Thus, the term "simulative" is defined as "determined in certain conditions", i.e. takes place in a certain situation, "state, condition, curcumstances in the country; due to the presence of conditions and circumstances that create a certain situation, certain methods of learning are caused". Modeling is a method of studying phenomena and processes, which is based on replacing one state of learning with another, similar to it but carried out in a different way. In post-graduate pedagogy, modeling is a method of activating educational and practical activities, aimed at improving the level of assimilation of doctors' knowledge and forming the necessary competencies in them.

As our experience shows, it is necessary to conduct a blended online and offline form of education, so with the received benefits and satisfaction of the trainees, using educational platforms to increase the effectiveness of training, doctors receive new theoretical knowledge and improve practical skills in the offline form of education.

The advantage of simulation training over other methods makes it possible to form in postgraduates not only professional competence, but also to improve the professional activity. The advantages of offline-online methods of education are the formation of skills in specialists, including not only dentists: theoretical; improvement of practical; creative; communicative; social; reflexive

Author Biographies

Andriy Sydoryako, Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmacological University

PhD, Assistant

Department of Postgraduate Dentistry

Educational Scientific Institute of Postgraduate Education

Svilana Sydoryako



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How to Cite

Sydoryako, A., & Sydoryako, S. (2023). Features of education of postgraduate physicians in extreme conditions. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (3(54), 32–35. https://doi.org/10.15587/2519-4984.2023.281845



Pedagogical Education