The role of the family in the formation of moral qualities of teenagers




socialization, family, adolescent, social education, education, social relations, parent, formation, bring up, child


The family as an integral unit of society and a unique aspect of social relations is an important means of education and the formation of the moral foundations of the younger generation. It is in it that a complex and important process of the formation of a person’s personality takes place in all directions: physical, labor, spiritual, moral, aesthetic. The family not only lays the foundation, but also surrounds the person, living forever and consistently acquiring strong spiritual values, which expands the possibilities for spiritual upbringing and education, the formation of worldviews and enrichment of the inner world. It is here that the student first enters social life, studies his/her values, norms of behavior, way of thinking and language. In other words, the family is a school of education, the transfer of life experience, worldly wisdom.

The main goal of the study is to determine the role and importance of the family in the formation of students as individuals.

Awareness and realization of the needs and possibilities of forming a person’s moral principles in the family is one of the conditions for the comprehensive development of the individual. Therefore, it is important to determine the choice of “maternal connection” in the spiritual and moral world of a person in each specific historical period, with which you can show the optimal control effect on the nature of his/her spiritual and moral formation.

The family, in turn, is a mechanism that follows from the moral, ethical, and sociocultural norms of society as a whole, laying the foundations for the moral education of the student’s personality and developing a mechanism for controlling his/her behavior. The existence of contradictions between these norms in real life further enhances the role of the family as an intermediary between society and the individual and affects the formation of the values of the young generation

Author Biography

Narmina Mirzaliyeva Seyfal, Baku State University


Faculty of Social Sciences and Psychology


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How to Cite

Mirzaliyeva Seyfal, N. (2023). The role of the family in the formation of moral qualities of teenagers. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (2 (53), 33–38.



Pedagogical Education