Principles of formation of the foreign language communicative competence of specialists in ship handling in the context of lifelong learning




professional training, foreign language communicative competence, specialists in ship handling, lifelong learning


The article analyses the basic principles underlying the modernisation of professional training of specialists. On the basis of the analysis, it is substantiated that the formation of the foreign language communicative competence of specialists in ship handling in the context of lifelong learning is a process, focused on the implementation of the tasks of developing a linguistic personality capable of carrying out independent communicative activities in an integrated multicultural environment, working with information in the system of foreign language linguistic culture and using it for personal and professional purposes. The process of formation is effective if the following principles of are observed: axiologisation (involves the development of skills to build speech behaviour adequate to the socio-cultural characteristics of the linguistic society); consistency and systematicity (ensured by methodologically and psychologically sound construction of programmes and manuals, as well as observance of the sequence of transition from simple to complex in the educational process); interdisciplinary integration (involves the formation of special knowledge, skills and abilities, taking into account interdisciplinary links, integration of teaching English and technical maritime disciplines); reflexivity (involves a conscious attitude to the learning process and mastering the techniques of self-assessment and building independent work); communicative (involves the formation of the foreign language communicative competence of specialists on the basis of transfer to the real environment); individualisation (taking into account the level of abilities, development of personal potential and individuality of cadets, understanding and response of the teacher to the needs of students); continuity (purposeful and gradual combination of individual stages of professional development)

Author Biography

Iryna Shvetsova, Kherson State Maritime Academy

PhD, Associate Professor

English Language Department for Deck Officers


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How to Cite

Shvetsova, I. (2023). Principles of formation of the foreign language communicative competence of specialists in ship handling in the context of lifelong learning. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (4(55), 21–27.



Pedagogical Education