The potential of place-based learning in terms of decolonization of education




decolonization, locally oriented education, national identity, civic education, secondary education


The challenges facing Ukraine as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian war necessitate significant changes in approaches to education, particularly in terms of decolonization and the affirmation of Ukrainian identity. In this context, it is useful to take into account the pedagogical experience of developed countries that have faced similar problems in the past. First of all, we are talking about the use of educational practices of the pedagogical approach of Place-based Education, a trend that emerged in the late twentieth century, the fundamental principles of which are immersion of learning in the local context, establishing strong ties between the school and the territorial community, increased attention to national-patriotic and civic education, and priority didactic technologies - integrated and project-based learning. The purpose of the study is to reveal the potential of locally oriented learning in terms of decolonization of education and involves solving such tasks as analyzing foreign educational practices of locally oriented education that contribute to decolonization, identifying problems in the formation of the national identity of Ukrainian students, and formulating proposals for ways to overcome the identified problems. Methodology includes a set of theoretical methods to understand the world experience of locally oriented education, to analyze the prospects for the introduction of it in Ukrainian school education. The positive consequences of the introduction of locally oriented education are identified, namely: intensification of interaction between school, community and society, fostering affection for the native land, love for language and culture, and acquisition of historical knowledge. It is proved that locally oriented education contributes to the formation of national identity and citizenship of young people. Prospects for further research are seen in the study of the directions of implementation of locally oriented education

Author Biography

Viktoria Perevozniuk, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University

PhD, Associated Professor

Department of Philology and Publishing


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How to Cite

Perevozniuk, V. (2023). The potential of place-based learning in terms of decolonization of education. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (6 (57), 29–32.



Pedagogical Education