Constructive dialogue on the internet and development of critical thinking skills and responsible expression of thoughts




education, netiquette, online communication, digital literacy, network etiquette, internet safety, virtual communication


This article is dedicated to the importance of adhering to netiquette rules on the Internet, which are critical for ensuring safety, respect, and effectiveness in online communication. It explores the key aspects of network etiquette that should be considered by both adults and children in their daily interactions online. The author emphasizes the necessity to remember that behind every message is a real person, therefore empathy and politeness should be the foundation of virtual communication. The article also highlights the importance of avoiding conflicts, understanding and forgiving others' mistakes, emphasizing the significance of a tolerant attitude towards the shortcomings of interlocutors. Furthermore, it focuses on the necessity of respecting the time and opportunities of other network participants, as well as the importance of correct information formatting and adherence to copyright laws. The author reminds of the importance of ensuring safety online, especially when it comes to sharing personal information. This article aims to describe and analyze effective methods and rules of online communication, particularly in the realm of distance learning during wartime and the pandemic in Ukraine. It concentrates on examining the challenges, faced by students, teachers, and educators who encounter displacement and instability, and how these circumstances affect communication methods on the Internet. Considering the unique requirements and characteristics of each child and their family environment, these specialized cases offer thoroughly developed methodologies for effective planning and implementation of online education. Special attention is given to the development of skills necessary for safe and productive communication on the Internet, ensuring that children not only learn academic subjects, but also develop critical thinking and responsibility in the digital space. At the same time, the individual peculiarities and needs of families are taken into account to provide the most comfortable and effective learning environment for each child. The article serves as a vital resource for understanding and practicing netiquette rules that promote positive and safe online communication

Author Biographies

Hanna Alieksieieva, Berdyansk State Pedagogical University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Computer Technologies in Management and Education and Computer Science

Olha Shchetynina, Berdyansk State Pedagogical University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Computer Technologies in Management and Education and Computer Science



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How to Cite

Alieksieieva, H., & Shchetynina, O. (2023). Constructive dialogue on the internet and development of critical thinking skills and responsible expression of thoughts. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (6 (57), 22–28.



Pedagogical Education