Linguo-didactic model of ukrainian-language training of future foreign specialists taking higher education on socio-behavioral sciences specialties




linguo-didactic model, purpose, content, stages, methods, principles of a Ukrainian-language training linguo-didactic model


The article presents a Ukrainian-language training linguo-didactic model of future foreign specialists who take socio-behavioural sciences higher education. The structural components of the model are singled out and substantiated; determined are the purpose and content of Ukrainian-language training of future foreign specialists taking higher education in the field of socio-behavioural sciences; singled out are the stages of formation of their Ukrainian-language professional and communicative competence; pedagogical conditions for the molding of the Ukrainian-language professional and communicative competence of future foreign professionals majoring in socio-behavioural sciences (adaptive and pedagogical support for international students in the educational space of Ukraine; providing positive motivation for international students majoring in socio-behavioural sciences, for getting them learning professionally oriented Ukrainian language; availability of a developing communicative-Ukrainian-speaking environment for international students taking higher education in the field of socio-behavioural sciences; involvement of international students in active Ukrainian-language speech activities of professional orientation); criteria for assessing the levels of formation of the Ukrainian-language professional and communicative competence of future foreign specialists, taking higher education in the field of socio-behavioural sciences (adaptive, motivational, linguistic, reflection-evaluation) with the relevant indicators; characterized are the levels of formation of the Ukrainian-language professional-communicative competence of future foreign specialists, obtaining higher education in specialities on socio-behavioural sciences (high, satisfactory, low). Presented are the results of the experimental verification of the linguo-didactic model of Ukrainian-language training of future foreign specialists, obtaining higher education in the specialities in the field of socio-behavioural sciences

Author Biographies

Natalia Moskovchuk, State University of Intellectual Technologies and Communication

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Linguistic Didactics and Foreign Languages

Mariana Palchynska, State University of Intellectual Technologies and Communication

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor

Department of "Psychology and Pedagogy"


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How to Cite

Moskovchuk, N., & Palchynska, M. (2023). Linguo-didactic model of ukrainian-language training of future foreign specialists taking higher education on socio-behavioral sciences specialties . ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (6 (57), 13–21.



Pedagogical Education