Use of museum pedagogics in the training of teachers of social sciences




museum pedagogy, technology, museum resource, museum environment, forms, methods, techniques of museum pedagogy


The article defines museum pedagogy as an interdisciplinary educational technology that develops in the field of academic and non-formal education, covering various forms of communication, current educational programs and cultural practices and is a basic element of the program-targeted management of the activities of applicants and scientific-pedagogical workers in the museum-pedagogical environment , a means of its practical implementation, a kind of activity plan, in which the connections of the defined goal and the mechanisms of its achievement are clearly established; the general principles that must be relied upon in the application of museum pedagogy in the process of training a social science teacher are outlined; the concept of "museum resource" is presented as the ability to increase the power of professional and pedagogical potential, to reproduce and deepen the content of educational programs in the exposition, to be accessible and suitable for implementation in the conditions of the educational process, understandable for the majority of consumers of museum information, important components of which contribute to professional training future history teacher, there are: museum-pedagogical information, which contains news about specific museum-pedagogical and educational programs and their specifics; educational and methodological support of programs; forms and methods of pedagogical activity in the museum environment; results of the pedagogical process and results of research and experimental work; expert assessments of specialists, etc.; "museum environment" as a certain active space for learning and educating students of pedagogical specialties and a perfect means of implementing productive changes in teacher training, which ensures direct "communication" with original museum objects and active participation in various types of activities, organized on the basis of museums, the ability to awaken in future teachers' desire for professional and personal self-realization, to form stable humanistic orientations, a conscious positive attitude towards society, children, pedagogical activity and oneself, which causes deeper personal professionalization and creates conditions for correction of professional growth; directions of work with student audiences, organizational forms, methods, techniques of use in the educational activity of museums are substantiated; it is proposed to include in the educational and professional training program of historians the educational component "Fundamentals of museum and archive work" and to create a complex of methodical support for the proposed discipline

Author Biographies

Svitlana Yakubovska, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Social Sciences

Yurii Oleksin, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Social Sciences


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How to Cite

Yakubovska, S., & Oleksin, Y. (2024). Use of museum pedagogics in the training of teachers of social sciences. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (1 (58), 62–65.



Pedagogical Education